We are ecstatic to report that we have been awarded another grant from the John M. Belk Endowment (JMBE)! This latest grant of $325,000 is essential for us to continue our work focused on increasing educational attainment, eliminating disparities, and creating a workforce with the necessary skills for the 21st century. We are deeply grateful to our JMBE team!

Our prior JMBE grant awards over the last few years have funded many of our initiatives, including our highly successful Student Ambassadors pilot, and the development of our publications. They have also enabled us to continue to apply for grant funds from other sources, usually in conjunction with at least one of our P20 Council member institutions.

Last October, our Executive Director presented at JMBE’s annual convening of its grantees in Greensboro, NC. See below for a couple of pics from the event.

P20 Executive Director Emily Nicholson presenting at the JMBE Grantee Convening in Greensboro, NC

Emily Nicholson, Executive Director of the Land of Sky P20 Council, presenting at the JMBE Grantee Convening in Greensboro, NC, in October, 2023

Whiteboard with the words "Bridges to 2030" and words and images of ideas to achieve 2030 educational attainment goals

Whiteboard from the JMBE Grantee Convening in Greensboro, NC, in October, 2023, that shows ideas for reaching NC’s 2030 educational attainment goals.

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